Reformed and Confessional
Located in Grand Forks, North Dakota
Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m. || Worship @ 10:30 a.m.
This week's sermon (02/23/25) is based on Mark 12:28-34
Each Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. we host a bible study at the home of our pastor. Currently, we are taking a deep look into the Old Testament book of Job. All are welcome to attend.
If you would like more information, please contact us!
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We are a growing fellowship whose goal is to exalt Christ and Him crucified. We sing Psalms and hymns, appreciating the beauty and depth that they afford. We hold that man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever, and that the only Redeemer of God’s elect is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Faith Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, a confessionally Reformed and Presbyterian denomination. We understand the Westminter Confession of Faith and Catechisms of the Church to contain the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures. You can read our confessional documents here.
Our current sermon series is in the book of Mark. To listen to our most recent sermons, click here.